Friday, March 27, 2009

What does it mean to "Be the best"?

In Western culture, we are taught to compete to be the individual best in almost everything we do. That is why it is so difficult to drop that competitive mind-set during yoga, both with yourself and others. But all that energy spent on a "competitive edge" takes the practitioner out of the moment and into a realm of separation and contest. Use your yoga practice to practice dropping that need to be the best. Let your practice flow naturally. Being open and present, even when things do not "feel perfect", is in itself the greatest perfection.

"The best, like water,
Benefit all and do not compete.
They dwell in lowly spots that everyone else scorns.
Putting others before themselves,
They find themselves in the foremost place
And come very near to the Tao.
In their dwelling, they love the earth;
In their heart, they love what is deep;
In personal relationships, they love kindness;
In their words, they love truth.
In the world, they love peace.
In personal affairs, they love what is right.
In action, they love chosing the right time.
It is because they do not compete with others
That they are beyond the reproach of the world."
--Lao Tzu

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