Monday, September 15, 2008

Not fighting the self

We battle with ourselves a lot. We know we should exercise/do homework/clean the kitchen/balance the checkbook and so on, but we don't! It's as if that part of ourselves that doesn't want to is overpowering us.

So, how do we overcome the inertia, the "I don't wanna" feeling, and meet our goals?

Our first inclination is to fight with ourselves. We think maybe if we argue with ourselves hard enough, we can force ourselves into doing the unpleasent thing. Once again, we've been taught that this is how to deal with unwillingness and procrastination. But, since it does not show compassion for the self, it's just another perpetuated myth. Being hard on yourself doesn't work, or if it does, only in a limited capacity. What it DOES do is make you feel bad about yourself! And that's never helpful. We need to move from a positive place.

Instead, try the radical stance of complete acceptance. When you accept that you feel lazy, undisciplined, and unwilling, you will also see the willingness, understanding, and compassionate energy capable of getting through practice/getting the job done, etc.

When your energy is no longer bound up in fighting yourself, there is an awful lot left over. What can you do with this energy? Well, there's yoga, meditation, cleaning, checkbook balancing... with still enough for painting, dancing, playing... anything you like!

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